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Career Cancer Hospital

Ready to fight cancer in Madhya Pradesh

Ready to fight cancer in Madhya Pradesh

As the Rajya Sabha Standing Committee has stressed the need for better cancer treatment in the country, Career Cancer Research Institute, Bhopal has braced itself to treat all kinds of cancer. The hospital is rigorously working towards spreading awareness and urging people to undergo cancer screening. The need of the hour is testing since reports claim 1 in 5 deaths is of a person between 26 o 45 years. This indicates that the younger lot is becoming victims of this deadly disease

 World Health Organisation (WHO) has stressed the need to draw the connection between lifestyle and eating habits leading to cancer growth. 33% of cancers reported are due to smoking and drinking and another 33% are due to bad eating habits. Fortunately, these are the most preventable causes too. 

 With awareness and information reaching the backward population, this change can be brought about. Dietary, reproductive and sexual habits need to be corrected. Stagnant lifestyle and no physical activity also led to cancer growth. The youth need more awareness on life style changes.

Tobacco consumption is also a leading cause of oral cancer. Only awareness can led to people reducing the consumption.

 In the end, cancer is a disease that is better to be prevented than cured.