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Career Cancer Hospital

Smoker Risk Assessment

To save yourself from life-threatening diseases, a smoker risk assessment is a must!
Smoking not only exposes you to the risk of developing lung cancer but also cardiovascular diseases and other life-threatening conditions. Women who smoke must undergo this assessment because women’s lungs are smaller than men. Smoking can damage all the organs of a body and lead to early death. Cigarettes, cigars, and pipes are life-threatening.
Career Cancer Research Centre offers screenings and lab tests for those on their journey of quitting smoking.
There is no safe smoking. As soon as a person starts smoking the airways and small air sacs in the lungs begin to get damaged. The damage increases each time the person smokes but takes a few years before incurable damage is noticed.
Smoking can lead to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and lung infections such as pneumonia and tuberculosis. It can worsen some existing lung diseases, such as asthma. It can cause lung, mouth, throat, kidney, stomach etc cancer.



Who should undergo Smoker Risk Assessment?

  • Anyone at any age who has been smoking tobacco for more than 30 days and hasn’t quit completely or has been smoking at intervals over a while.
  • If you have chest pain
  • Breathing difficulty
  • Frequent lung infections
  • Cold hands and feet
  • Continuous cough
  • Fatigue.
  • Hyper-tension.
  • Low oxygen level.
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Which are the tests carried out when you go for Smoker Risk Assessment?

A comprehensive health check-up is required to assist the damage smoking has caused to your body.

Spirometry: this is a specific kind of breathing test that should be done along with a chest X-ray. It measures lung functionalities.

Chest X ray: measures the exact amount of nicotine and tar present in the lungs.

Electrocardiogram: detects abnormalities in the heart.

Diabetes Screenings: smokers are at a high risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Vitamin D Blood test: smoking decreases vitamin D in the body which is essential for the healthy functioning of various organs.

If you find out that your child has been smoking, you must schedule a Risk Assessment at the earliest.
Smoking in children and teenagers leads to nicotine addiction which reduces brain development.

Meet The Doctors
carried out

How is Smoker Risk Assessment carried out?

At Career Cancer Research Centre, we aim at providing holistic treatment. Our trained physicians and counsellors will carry out a detailed investigation on the impact that smoking has caused on your health and mental wellbeing.
In case smoking has caused diseases, we will put you on to a specialist that will treat you to help you regain your health and lead a happy productive life.
If you have been intending to quit smoking and find your health is getting worse, we at Career Cancer Research Centre will provide a smoke risk management plan developed specifically for you!

We can help with ways to quit smoking

Determine overall health condition

Nutritional guidance and physical fitness to better your health.

Psychological guidance to overcome emotional problems.

Save your health and restore lost health at Career Cancer Research Centre.
