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Career Cancer Hospital

Cancer Risk Assessment

Cancer is a leading cause of death worldwide, accounting for nearly 10 million deaths in 2020. The most common types of cancer are breast, lung, colon, rectum and prostate cancers. At times, cancer is diagnosed at a very late stage and treatment is not effective. If detected early, cancer can be cured and the affected can lead a healthy and prolonged life. Treatment cost also decreases with early diagnosis



We at Career Cancer Research Centre know the importance of Cancer Risk Assessment in order to prevent cancer, reduce it and treat it at the earliest.

  • We are here to help you understand the cancer risk factors in your life.
  • Answer all your questions about cancer-causing factors in your life.
  • Talk to you about genetic testing and when it should be carried out.
  • Connect you to genetic support and screening services
  • Assessing your risk factors for the development of cancer
  • Continue to monitor your health and repeat tests for the detection of cancer.
  • Care for you.
Book Appointment

Career Cancer Research Centre is dedicated to treating every person as a unique case and providing individual assistance and emotional support. A team of physicians, nurses, genetic counsellors, and other health care professionals work closely together to provide you with an accurate assessment. A panel of best oncologists study each case in detail and provide case-specific treatment.

Who should undergo Cancer Risk Assessment?

Some people are at an increased risk of developing cancer

If anyone in your immediate family has been diagnosed with cancer.

If you have been regularly consuming tobacco, alcohol, an unhealthy diet, processed meats and smoking.

If you are overweight and inactive

If you are living in a highly polluted place

If you have tested positive for HIV, HPV, hepatitis B virus, hepatitis C virus, and Epstein-Barr virus.

Excessive exposure to the sun, radiation and chemicals.

Women above the age of 40 years

If you haven’t been pregnant

Bleeding between periods.

Consistent fevers

Meet The Doctors
carried out

How is Cancer Risk Assessment carried out?

Counselling is a major factor in risk assessment. A doctor will evaluate your lifestyle, consumption, family history, medical history of self and family.
Family history is one of the important aspects of cancer risk assessment. The age at which cancer was detected in family members is also important.
The doctor will pinpoint the risk factors and types of cancer that it can lead to. If required physical examination will be carried out. A doctor will look for birth defects, atypical skin bumps, or other non-malignant conditions.
Pathological tests will follow to confirm abnormalities and possible factors that can increase the risk of cancer.
If you feel you are at the risk of developing cancer, Career Cancer Research Centre will provide a Cancer risk management plan developed specifically for you!

We can help you with

Level of risk for developing cancer?

Ways to protect yourself?

Possible risk to family members?

Inherited cancer risk syndromes testing.
